Berries and it’s Benefits:

• Berries for your happiness:
Folate (vitamin B) is known for its health benefits that include improvements to cardiovascular health. There are even studies that suggest that it can help stave off mood disorders like depression.
• Berries for beauty:
All berries are packed with antioxidants Antioxidants help prevent overall illness and improve your skin and hair.
• Berries for Weight Control:
Because of their fiber and liquid content, berries give us a sense of fullness, Pretty much all berries consist of about 85% water. The rest is mostly fiber and fiber is an integral part of a healthy diet. It helps you stay regular and maintain your weight.
• Berries for the heart:
This is standard for pretty much all fruit. For each piece of fat-free, cholesterol-free, nutrient-packed berry you eat, that’s one step further away from heart disease you’ll come. More colors in your diet is better and berries come in a lot of different colors.
• Cranberries and blueberries for urinary tract infections:
Because of their nutrients have the ability to flush out harmful agents that can cause infection.
• Berries for Lower Blood Pressure:
berries fight the systemic inflammation that may accompany high blood pressure, helping to make your body healthier overall.
• Fight Cancer With Berries:
flavonoids and other compounds found in berries may help reduce colon cancer risk.
• Berries for Alzheimer’s disease:
Polyphenolics found in many berries help clean out the built up toxins in the brain that are a contributing factor in Alzheimer’s disease.
• Berries Keep You Mentally Sharp
Being packed with antioxidants, and contain anthocyanidins and flavonoids they help protect the brain cells and from memory decline.
Good News.
Blueberries can be frozen without removing any of their antioxidants.
All berries are great but there is the problem of them going bad. it’s been proven that you can freeze blueberries but still retain all of their nutritional benefits.
In conclusion don’t be afraid to load up on those berries :)