Cheat Meal:

Does it really need a label? Is it actually a “cheat”? And what exactly are you cheating on? Some people really do thrive on this structure, It makes them feel more motivated. However for others this pattern of eating creates endless diet cycling, misplaced focus on bad calories vs good, and enforces unhealthy behavior.
The key to a lasting healthy relationship to food is truly knowing yourself and your relationship to it. The why behind your food choices is as powerful as your food choices. The connection you have to your food experience is as deep as it is to your closest friends. Yet we often treat food and our relationship to it as it’s not as important.
Food is so much more than right vs. wrong, it goes far beyond structured “cheating”. Our psychological relationship to food is complex and very much worthy of care.
To sum it up, “it’s not what you do on one day, it’s what we do most days that matters”. So if you want to take a day each week, or a meal and choose foods that are not part of your “normal” I’d hardly call that cheating.